The Story of Our House
Our family purchased this house in 2015 from Ms. Nancy Brooks, who
is the daughter of former Treasurer of Tazewell County, Edgard Phillip Greever (1956- 1983), who shares our commitment to preserving Tazewell’s Main Street. Prior to that time, the house served many functions, including a funeral home. Yes, the bar was the original funeral home parlor.
About Us
Originally the site of the John M. Estill house, in 1899 Dr. W. I. Painter constructed a two-story, wooden, two-room house roofed with wood shingles, sheathed with weatherboard, and supplied with exterior brick chimneys. Ornamental wood fencing surrounded the property, consistent with the style along Main Street.
During Reconstruction, Jeffersonville (or Tazewell Court House as it was known) slowly grew from a small village to a town and by 1890 had a population of 500 people. In 1891, at the request of the Post Office, the name Jeffersonville was abandoned for Tazewell. During this time, all of the commercial activity on Main Street occurred between the Court House and the public school (where the library is now). The rest of Main Street was lined with houses, several quite modest. Dr. Painter’s house is one of the few that remains.
We are proud to have restored the house and hope you enjoy your visit.
For more information see "A survey of Historic Architecture in the Proposal Tazewell Historic District," G. Worsham, Architect (Winter 1998- Fall 1999).